Huddle Up Groups
Our Huddle Up Groups are small groups that meet regularly to do life together to complement Sunday Gatherings. Whether you enjoy reading, music, girl time, chess or poetry, our hope is that you can find the right group for you to build on community and fellowship with the GTAM family. If you would like to start your own Huddle Up Group, please reach out to our church staff: admin@apostolicdoctrine.com.
Girl Time
Girl Time creates safe space for women of all ages to connect as a support system, helping one another navigate holistically through life by sharing experiences and advice while bonding over activities and the word of God. This group usually meets on Saturdays and is led by Thais Miller.
The Art of Poetry
Having a love for poetry starts with having a love for words. Come join us as we use the principles we find in God’s word in “Poetry” utilizing creativity. This group meets every first Monday of the month @ 6 pm in Covington and is led by Kenneth and Tonja McLeod.
Check Up!
Check Up! Is a place to connect with those that have passion for chess while checking up on the spiritual and natural conditions. We will learn strategies that will help with our game and our lives, with the intent of reaching check, mate! For beginners, intermediate, and advanced players, ages 21 and up. This group usually meets on Saturdays and is led by Kevin Miller.
Books &
We are a small group fellowshipping through deep and meaningful conversations inspired by literature. This group meets at alternating days/times at a rotating location (parks, coffee shops, etc.) and is led by Brittani Flagg.
Sister Circle provides a safe space to share uplift and courage to bring unity and fellowship to build sisterhood sharing personal growth celebrating milestones. We believe in building a community of sisterhood that emulates Christ. Our collective community of sisters are built around the word of God. We gather every fourth Saturday of each month at 2 PM for 90 minutes.